Colorful Expressions: Part One
I have been surrounded by and inspired by ART my whole life, it seems my most profound life experiences and the most important people in my world are either artists or they themselves are a moving changing beautiful canvas that reflect art in the pure essence of themselves! I generally would like to think I fall into the second category myself =) I have had a hard time declaring outwardly "I am a Artist!" I find it intimidating to put labels and pressure on myself with such declarations. My husband Quincy and daughter Dylan however are Artists and I would be in shock if either declared to be anything but! So what makes an artist? Who is the judge of what works and what doesn't? Therein lies the beauty of ART... it is free form, free choice! I can call squiggly lines on paper child's play, I can announce to the world that such things are not ART, I can shout that a preschool aged child could make that! But the beauty is it changes nothing, it is ART...squiggly lines, dots, swirls, ink splatters...we are all essentially artists, the only difference is some of us are smart enough to get paid for our ART! One of my favorite artist Vincent Van Gogh was considered a joke during his life, but he still painted, he continued to create...if we were to define what being an artist is, I think Vincent would be a perfect example. He no matter what people said about his work could not put down his paint brush. He could not shut off the inspiration around him, he had to create! I am envious of his sheer passion his vision/version of the world is; simply put, beautiful.
"Starry Night" by Van Gogh, 1889, Oil on canvas
“Looking at the stars always makes me dream. Why, I ask myself, shouldn’t the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France? Just as we take the train to get to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to reach a star.”- Vincent Van Gogh
The above images are mine they include oil pastels and paper collage
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