Inspiration Everywhere!

So after rambling on about how this blog is moving forward and how we will be posting weekly we are finally back.  The hiatus was due to a failing computer and out of commission camera, lucky for us, both have been fixed and we are up and running...again!  In the meantime Dylan and I have been soaking up the end of summer with; river trips, Nevada City Summer Bizarre, (more to come on that) frozen yogurt treats, musical street performances starring our very own Dylan Page and thrift shopping.  Since we didn't have the opportunity to be photographing or blogging our experiences as of late we have been focusing on being mindful in and of our surroundings.  A rock found on the shore is now the conception of a necklace, a dress found in the thrift store is now the topic of an up-cycling clothing line we are dreaming up...Inspiration is everywhere!!!  For me it was found in fistfuls at the Nevada City Summer Bizarre, I wish I had my camera with me there was so much to see, so many beautiful and creative people!  I was most impressed with Selena Martino's new line at Three Corners Designs such talent this woman possesses, I left her booth with a badass necklace  and two new pairs of earrings and the feeling I want MORE of Three Corners!  Ask and you shall receive right.... I asked and she is going to deliver with an exclusive interview for Gypsy Lov'n!  We cant wait to get a sneak peek at her newest beauties and to hear where she pulls inspiration from, stay tuned in for more.  Make it a beautiful day!